Monday, August 22, 2005

Ignorance is shit

I live in a town that has a high population of immigrants. I myself am a 3rd generation Arab - my grandfather came from the Yemen. A lot of my friends and acquaintances are too. I always thought the town was an example of successful integration where racism rarely reared it's dispicable head. It seems, unfortunately, that this is not (or no longer?) the case.

My Mam works in a large Bingo hall in the town centre, as a chef in the diner. One night after work, as she waited at the bus stop, she was verbally attacked by a man (read moron) presumably because of the colour of her skin. My Mam, who was born and bred in this town, a true Geordie who has worked her whole life.
This moron shouted in her face that, "you black bastards tried to kill my brother, fuck off back to where you came from".

I presume he was referencing the London bombings. My Mam has noticed a change in attitude ever since the bombings. Customers at work feeling they have the right to be rude to her face, fellow staff feeling free to voice ridiculous ands ignorant opinions. Some have said they are terrified when a brown skinned person gets on a bus, as if our town is the centre of the fucking universe and a key target for terrorists! Fucking idiots.
Another discussion that took place in the staff room was about how muslim women should not wear their traditional dress. My Mam pointed out that if this is the case then maybe nuns shouldn't be allowed to wear a habit, or the Pope his daft hat and staff. I love my Mam, she's fucking class!

But for every strong person like my Mam putting these idiots straight, theres another who has to bite their tongue and listen to this shit. It all comes down to one thing - pure IGNORANCE. There is not enough done to make the general population aware of the TRUTH. Tolerance should be taught at school. History lessons should include all the sordid details of how 'Great Britain' has systematically fucked over the rest of the world. They should show Farenheight 9/11 at school so the next generation really knows the score.

Racist criminals should be force fed this information, then made to regurgitate it all to their mates. There were 2 racist attacks in Sunderland last week. The perpetrators were teenagers, the best thing to do would be to educate the little bastards. If any person reading this agrees with me, the least you can do is support The organisation educates kids by using football as common ground, their always looking for volunteers.

Likewise, if anyone knows of any ways to show my support, let me know. The things I hate in this world are racism, inequality and injustice. The only people I truly despise are nazis. The BNP are trying to make gains in Sunderland, which is probably a factor in the current situation there. The Anti Nazi League in Sunderland are fighting against it though.

On a lighter note - (I felt like a news reader there, have you seen the facial expessions they have to pull as the mood of the news changes?) I have decided not to go out with the guy I mentioned yesterday. Not because I think it's wrong to date someone at this point in my life, but because I have it on good authority that he is a total fruitloop! Ah well, nevermind, theres plenty more...urgggh.